Monday, August 3, 2009

Which flower is the best 2 observe pollen germination under a microscope?

pollen grains can b observed easily but has been unsuccessful in observing germination of pollen grains.
Which flower is the best 2 observe pollen germination under a microscope?
Following sites will be useful
Reply:Many people have luck with tradescantia. I never have that plant when I am trying to do pollen tube germination in my classes. I always collect pollen from every flower I can get my hands on and try them all. You can combine them in a single test or use them separately. Go outside and start collecting. You could also go to a florist and ask if you can collect some pollen. Or a greenhouse. I've always gotten plenty of pollen just outside in my yard.
Reply:andy flower
Reply:Hibiscus rosasinensis - Shoe flower is the best to observe pollen grains.
Reply:in vitro %26amp; in vino
Reply:DATURA flower
Reply:Lily flowergenealogy mormon

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