Monday, April 20, 2009

Which flower best represent women?

Daisy? Rose? Lily? Plz tell me the first one come into your mind.
Which flower best represent women?
orchid it looks like a vagina
Reply:First flower I think of?

Reply:Flowers represent women in your culture? Wow! That%26#039;s interesting! Nice to learn that...

Anyway, I%26#039;d say Rose is for romantic women. Lily for sensitive women. Magnolia for strong and willful women. Etc.

Reply:Have a look at some of the paintings of flowers done by Georgia O%26#039;Keefe. All of her flowers represent women, or at least, um, a certain part of female anatomy.
Reply:Rose would be first, then Lily, then Daisy, yet any assortment of flowers would be ok, Lavender would be good, and now the Lilacs are out, ♫,

Reply:Rose. Lovely to look at (in theory), but just be gentle with it or it will hurt you.
Reply:a Bella story rose with a female stem body escorted by a rare blue baby sea pearl rose in a small chariot guided by a variety of butterflies that have been blessed by me.
Reply:Any flower will do but the best flower for the females is the red rose. it symbolizes feminity, though.
Reply:white Tulips
Reply:Hi you, women are of different types and so are flowers. In my opinion it is as difficult to find a single flower to represent all women as it would be to find a single woman to represent all women. You know, if one chooses a rose, what type of rose is it again? A white rose is good to compare with a female friend and a red rose is best for a girlfriend or wife. So , different types of women require to be remembered in different species of flowers.

Thank you
Reply:Rose: beautiful, delicate, soft, sweet (but thorny if you approach them from the wrong angle!)
Reply:Venus Fly Trap...or that plant that smells like rotting meat to attract bugs, then it eats them...

oh, but on a different side... I think... a rose. They%26#039;re so beautiful when they bloom...but they have thorns you have to watch out for.

(I%26#039;m a woman, and I know it%26#039;s true)skin disease

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